Monthly Archive:: January 2010

Making Money With Free

‘How to make money with free?’ asks Gerd Leonhard, and goes on to recommend open licensing as a basis for a new content business: ‘The greatest thing that happened with the raise of Creative Commmons is that we’ve taken this idea that has been around pretty much for ever which basically says “I’m giving something

Challenges in the 21st Century

The turn of the 21st century has seen a shift in public interest from knowledge to creativity and a growing focus on creative industries from an economic and wider social perspective (see e.g. Scott 1999, DCMS 2001, Florida 2002, Steenhoven, Stikker et al. 2005). Creative industries typically include advertising, architecture, art and antiques markets, crafts,

Introduction to Open Content Business

Traditional business models of the creative industries are built on the protection of content. With the advent of an Internet culture where content is ‘sold’ at a price of zero and sharing is a key paradigm, that model seems not to be fully adequate any longer. Even more, there might be a time when content

January 1st – Cultural Redistribution

Every year, on the 1st of January it is cultural redistribution all over the world. On this day, the commercial rights held by the grandchildren of great authors expire. From now on these works may be copied, adapted, sapmled and mashed-up, they are no longer private property but they belong to the Commons, they fall